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Release Me

Sender Vickie Canulli/Bianco
Posted On 2007-05-22
Year 1962-66
Memoir I remember just wanting to get out of school, to not have to get up in the morning and have to be somewhere. Why? Leuzinger was such a happy time for me. There are so many memories I'll never forget. So many friendships. Teachers that are there to help you better your life. Keep all the memorabilia you can, you'll cherish it as the years go by. I was so shocked at how upset I was at the end of the graduation ceremony, and we sang the alma mater, and I realized I was about to leave grounds that I so fondly walked on. For the Freshman, Sophmore and Juniors, make the most of the time you have left at LHS. For the Seniors, you're about to leave and start a new journey, but you'll forget these past 4 years.

Congratulations! Vickie

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