Students Post a Message » COMPLAINTS!!


Sender kathy amador
Posted On 2007-10-29
Memoir Complaints -- complaints -- complaints! In my opinion, that's the main thing that Leuzinger Olympian teachers are always hearing -- complaints from us students. I say we should give our teachers a compliment for once and stop acting so childish. Grow up! You'd be amazed about how much better you can do when you get along with the teacher. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean it how your thinking it, but what I mean is you'll have more fun and that always makes it easier, at least for me it does.

I remember when I was a freshman. I had a math teacher name Ms.Alden. She was in room 7-4. She was my favorite teacher. At first I didnt know her and she didnt know me so, of course, I had no reason to look foward to going to class. But then once we got to know each other it became a better environment for me especially because of the way that she ran her class. But that's not the point. For people who want to do good and for whatever reason they're lagging, then I only have one thing to say; "the hardest part is just waking up in the morning and showing up." I never even realized it and it was so obvious, until Ms.Gonzales told me. (She's a great teacher as well, just don't get on her nerves because she's a Scorpio and everything will be smooth! I really recommend her class.)

But back to the subject. My advice to my fellow students is to try to be nice for once and stop teasing your teachers. Stop making their lives a living hell and you'll have so much more fun in class and you'll do so much better as far as your grades are concerned.

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