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just me i guess

Sender kathy locs
Posted On 2008-01-16
Year i dunno
Memoir Dreamer

I have hopes, I have dreams, I have inspirations, and I have expectations for myself. I owe it to myself to become something, to be a somebody, I owe it to my family, I owe it to my sisters who are the biggest part of my dreams, the biggest part of…me. I know it sounds kind of korny but on the reals, my sisters are the only people in the world who know how to keep me in check. If it wasn’t for them this probably wouldn’t be written I would even be in school. Anyways, im just a normal girl, im from the west side, im Mexican and Im proud of it. I wouldn’t change if I could. I don’t regret anything that ive ever done, and I don’t think that I ever will. I have enemies, or should I say “haters” and to them I only have one thing to say... Lol...What!?

I have a past, everyone does, and I did some things that

Most people wish I didn’t but like I said before “I regret nothing” if it wasn’t for my past I wouldn’t be who I am today, and I like who I am, if you don’t then…I don’t care.

I think that my biggest accomplishment so far are my friends. I did something that I thought I was never going to be able to do, which is befriending cheerleaders. Lol. They’re the happiest type of people I know, especially my friend Aris. You can never be in a bad mood when you’re around her. She’s cool. Anyways that’s me, if you like me great, if you don’t, again “I don’t care.”

Peace and love,


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