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Leuzinger High The Memories

Sender Bob Ovendale
Posted On 2008-09-08
Year 1972
Memoir The thing I remember about Leuzinger was how Mr Jim Kelly was so understanding and not to place judgement on one who signed his name to a co classmate out of a bunch of cut classes and one who was there to talk to other students about there problems. 10 years after we were out of school I ran into Mr. Kelly and we remained close freinds until his death. in 87.

I would like to say Thanks for setting my life course to the following teachers:

Bob Martin, Jim Kelly, Don Camron, Bill Nimrod, Sal Bommarito, Art Linden, Richard Campbell, Tom Morris, Myron Carpenter, Len Whistler, Bill Cook, Jim Wilson and Virginia O'Leary.

This may sound strange but 36 years after you get out of school you get a chance to reflect how you life has been and could have been. I would not have wanted it any other way.

So with this I say Thanks for the Memories

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