JANUARY NEWSLETTER - Please meet our Parent of the Month!

Mrs. Arana is January's

Parent of the Month!

Maria Arana is new to our district; she has three

daughters who became part of our Leuzinger family

during the fall of 2016. She quickly became actively

involved in our school. She made sure to create a

Powerschool account as soon as her daughters enrolled

in order to stay on top of their attendance and grades.

She later attended Coffee with the Principals, Parent

Learning Walks, and ELAC meetings where she was

able to voice her opinions and share her ideas for the

school. Aside from attending meetings she also became

an arts docent where she got to volunteer during a

professional theater arts performance. If you get a

chance to meet Ms. Arana please feel free to

congratulate her on the amazing contributions she has

made to her children’s education and to our school.


We want to highlight your contributions too - please contact the Parent Center to share your parent story!